DYNASTY GUZZLER OHD [Oil & Hydrocarbon Digestant]

DYNASTY GUZZLER OHD, a Biological Oil-Waste Digester, is your best solution for reducing, digesting and degrading petroleum oils and grease, sludge and organic solids, the kind found in vehicle wash reclamation tanks and pits. It also is ideal for marine bilges and most other petroleum-contaminated, wastewater containment areas. DYNASTY GUZZLER OHD is a super-concentrate that contains 100,000,000 live bacteria per milliliter. That's about 400 billion per gallon, the highest count possible that is practical to keep alive and sustainable. That's why a little goes a long way, to help keep your total cost of operation as low as possible. These are living organisms that specialize in breaking down petroleum oils and organic waste of all kinds. Effective with gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oils, motor oil, crude oil and coal tar. The ultimate in cost-saving efficiency.


  • Bio-remediates, digests petroleum oils and grease, organic solids and sludge.
  • Reduces sludge and solids build-up; reduces grey water pit pumpouts.
  • Works to reduce odors in wash rack reclamation pits.
  • Most concentrated formula, highest live bacteria counts available.
Product Category: 
Designated Green
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