EARTH'S OWN SOY LIFT [Floating Lift Station Degreaser]

Cleaning grease build-ups from lift stations will never be the same, now that there's EARTHS OWN SOY LIFT floating lift station degreaser from Share. The active ingredient in SOY LIFT, soy methyl ester, eliminates organic waste build-up with the same or better solvency as other, more hazardous degreasers. However, SOY LIFT is 100% biodegradable, so it's not only effective but ecological as well. SOY LIFT has a higher flashpoint and lower VOC content than other solvents, making it less flammable, less hazardous and more environmentally friendly to use. Plus SOY LIFT won't evaporate as fast as other solvents, so it remains on the surface of waste water longer. SOY LIFT penetrates fats, grease and dirt to strip them away from surfaces while eliminating foul odors with a mild, green apple scent. When lift stations need greases and fats lifted and removed, use a degreaser made with natural ingredients only Mother Nature could produce. Use SOY LIFT from Share.


  • Distilled from renewable plant and vegetable resources.
  • Special pigment indicator provides easy visual verification of level in lift stations.
  • Ideal for sanitary and storm sewers, lift stations, and sewage treatment plants.
  • Contains no petroleum distillates or chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Product Category: 
Sewer and Drain
Product Specifications: 
Warning: Reproductive harm
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