QUICK KILL [Non-Selective Contact & Aquatic Herbicide]

This concentrated herbicide kills all types of weeds and grasses on contact. QUICK KILL from Share is absorbed into the foliage and kills in one to two days. It becomes inactive when it hits the soil, so new planting or seeding may be done just a few days after spraying. QUICK KILL is an ideal "chemical edger" for use around trees, shrubs and flower beds, because it will not harm nearby plants which are not contacted by the spray. QUICK KILL also controls cattails, duckweed, water lettuce, floating and submerged weeds in and around ponds, lakes and drainage ditches. By direct addition to the water, it will kill algae growth and a variety of aquatic weeds, too. ‍‍ NOT FOR USE AS AN AQUATIC HERBICIDE IN: IN, MI, NH, NY


  • Concentrated formula for economical use to kill weeds and grass on non-crop areas, cattails, aquatic weeds and algae in water.
  • Leaves no residual in the soil, so that nearby plants are not affected, and replanting may occur within 7 days.
  • Contact activity quickly kills all weeds, grass and vegetation that is directly sprayed.
Product Category: 
Grounds Maintenance
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