Ar-Chem Ag Hot Pink Foam Marker Dye
AR-CHEM AG HOT PINK FOAM MARKER DYE is designed to make foam marking agents such as AR-CHEM AG AGRI-BEST FOAM MARKER or other similar products and foam suddenly become
vibrant enough to be seen in low light. This is especially advantageous for the equipment operator who must spray fields at pre-dawn or early twilight when ambient light conditions are not at their best. AR-CHEM AG HOT PINK FOAM MARKER DYE also increases the reflectivity of foam markers under equipment headlight beams. When you want to see a noticeable difference in your foam marker, use AR-CHEM AG HOT PINK FOAM MARKER DYE.
- Will not stain application equipment, tanks, lines or other items it may contact.
- For best results, use with any of Share Corporation's foam marking concentrates.
- Does not leave behind residues which could affect soil or plants.
- Increases reflectivity of foam markers under equipment headlight beams.